Thursday, August 20, 2009

Packed! Well almost anyway....

Alrighty people I'm almost packed I'm just missing a few items and need to stash a few things in my luggage rather than my carry on so I don't get sent back to the US or denied access to the plane ride over. So I've been doing a bit of deductive thinking of what can someone possibly do with each item in my carryon on a plane to either harm someone or the plane. Sure it's a bit much and yes I looked it up online but sometimes you never know. That said I've decided my floss belongs in the luggage among other things. Tomorrow I'm going to go shopping for a few last minute things and maybe some new sketcher shoes/shoe boots since the ones I have are from 9th grade. Thank goodness my feet stopped growing then or they'd be larger than a Hobbit's foot.

Otherwise I am all set! I just need it to be 4 days later and all my paperwork shoved in a pocket of my Scotts vest and I'm good to go. I'm not feeling too well right now-no it isn't nerves just the nasty Chinese food I had from Lake Geneva a few hours ago. Though I still cannot believe I'm leaving in 4 days! It seems really normal but yet not and at the same time my brain thinks la de da about it. Don't ask me why I have noo clue normally I'd be nervous as anything but I suppose with all the changes I've gone through in the last few years I can deal with it better.

Today I said my goodbyes to the dear library family I have left behind in Beloit. Yes some of you are thinking dear lord this woman is really a book worm/nerd/library rat. Yes indeed I am but I can tell you (for the younger members of my family who think libraries are lame and books should go and rot away) that libraries are useful things and are home to some of the most interesting and amazing people you will ever meet. And to top it off the most resourceful at finding anything you may need for school work. So go befriend the library people you may find you have more in common with them than you realize.

Yesterday I did the first half of registration for Ireland-they do it all online which is really interesting, useful and somewhat a pain in the neck but I have a feeling it has something to do with me being in the US and all of the rest in Ireland. I've noticed emails don't work to well for some reason across .com and .ie lines. Nevertheless I was able to select what photo I would like for my school ID. I think that's really nice because half the time you take a photo for an ID it never turns out how you want and you can't really smile because they've already taken it before you could.

Well my dears I'm off to bed I'm tired need to finish packing organizing things before I leave and try to cram in a few more visits with friends before I depart.

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