Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ok I lied I haven't started packing yet

Alright I lied well not really I have been packing but not for Ireland. Mostly I've been packing things up from what I brought from school and supplies I do not need to take with me like bedding or pots and pans to cook in. I'm not nervous right now to be going I'm not freaking out I'm happy and it seems normal to me that I soon will be flying 7 hours across the ocean to Ireland. I believe it is because I'm ready for a break and ready for a new adventure. Sounds a bit odd but when you live in Beloit for every month save maybe one out of the whole year you sort of look forward to something new. That is not to say Beloit is a horrid place no it is not in fact I've grown to love Beloit and it's given me more than I ever was expecting. It has also given me the ability to feed my interests while still leaving me time to be with my friends. Yes I'm running around as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning but I enjoy it and at times it gets rough but what doesn't? As much as I may complain about Commons food somedays or that stupid board students put under the mattress to 'sex proof' the bed making it impossible to sleep on, Beloit is very near and dear to me.

That being said I'm leaving for Ireland in 12 days. People keep telling me to bring back an Irish guy and yes I get it's a joke (though sometimes I really wonder especially who it's coming from) but I can't just kidnap a guy and bring him back. Yes it may sound tempting especially with the accents and all but I cannot judge until I'm there. So don't expect me to be bringing back an Irish guy in my suitcase or on the plane. If that does happen well you can tell me I told you so and that you're right 99.9% of the time. Whatever floats your boat :) And if that does happen I owe about three of your or more who are reading this an ice cream cone or some award for having insane intuition or something. Actually I don't want to think about that it sort of creeps me out. I feel like I need to go back and edit this thing in some ways mostly because of how horrid it would be if this was a paper I typed up. Though I've noticed that in someways my journal is no different.

I have not picked classes yet for Ireland-that will not be until I'm there and I'll be living in an apartment with whom I will not know until I get there. I'm sure some of you are like ooh that's a bit scary what if you get a bad roommate? Honestly I don't mind I've had my share of roommates since soph year of high school so I think I can handle it. I'll be in Ireland so I really won't care as long as my roommate isn't going to stalk me or be a cling on.

I do have my computer up and running so that's set to take with me and I have a few plugs to bring with and I have an idea of what clothes I want to pack so I'm not doing too bad so far. My housing is paid in full and my plane ticket is ready. Though I still have to figure out the whole cell phone plan thing-I really hate every cell phone provider in the US. Better yet the world because they can't all get along and share towers and share service and make everything universal. No they have to make it an act of God to get cell service anywhere I happen to go and on top of it cost me an arm and a leg for it. What is so hard about giving people full service everywhere for a low rate? Phones that cost 200 bucks are crap phones. Even the lower costing ones are crap. So it's not the phone it's the service which you'd think for all the moola I pay would be better. This is why technology will never replace humans or a good old fashioned letter. Though I have been told they're thinking of getting rid of postal service on Saturdays.

I'm done rambling for the night :) Maybe I will start packing....

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