Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 days to go!

3 days left. I've said most of my goodbyes and I also did some much needed catching up with some people. Though sometimes I think you can't ever have enough time to really catch up. Besides that I packed some socks and I have to pack my shampoo. Tonight however I am going to bed early I can't stay up until 1 am anymore it's killing me. Though I still have about a million things I want to do before I go. That's usually how it is though once I'm home and have some free time. It'll be a bit strange though not coming home until Christmas seeing as I have always had the ability to though I only go home on breaks for school. We don't have any thanksgiving break in Ireland they don't celebrate pilgrims over there. Probably a good thing seeing as it's such a ridiculous story they tell you as a child that is mostly a lie and then by the time you get to college you get the truth and start hating people for making holiday. Just like Christopher Columbus-the world knows he never discovered America and yet we still have a holiday for him. No one will change that even though it's a big fat lie. Anyway, I will be fine don't you all worry I've been away from home so often over the years that I'm used to it by now though from time to time I would like to go home and have some time to relax. From all the changes in my life I feel like I can adapt well to things that I may not have before.

Besides all that I need to get moving on my Russian homework or I'll be behind before I even get on the plane. But for now I'm going to bed to sleep I can't do homework while being very tired or I'll start messing up words especially in Russian.

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