Saturday, August 29, 2009

A few days recap

Hi Everyone

Sorry my internet ability is a bit sporadic at the moment. Yesterday we went to the Cliffs of Moher which was amazing and stopped along the way at other little towns to see what they were all about meeting lots of different people along the way. I will tell you that when you ask any Irish native for directions they will start giving it to you one way and then say something like oh well then you could go that way the view is lovely or no you could cut through here....etc. It's really amusing and you do get there eventually but you can take about 50 different routes to get somewhere. As for sign posting it's hard to tell somethings are really good with being marked and others not at all. And everything is in Gaelic and English but it's really hard to read the signs they aren't large print like the ones at home are or the same color all the time. On the way back we stopped at a farmers market stand next to the pub we at lunch at and bought the biggest carrots I've ever seen for our hosts at the B+B. A bunch of boys were selling the carrots all about 10-13 years old. We gave them a few euro tip for the carrots they were very excited.

The day before that we went up to Clifden a town Northwest of Galway to go see some sights up that way. We drove along the scenic route over a peninsula and saw the most beautiful coast line I have ever seen. It doesn't even come close to anything back home. (I will be posting more photos on my link as soon as I can get them from my camera it takes longer to upload here). On our way back from that coastal route we stopped at the Connamara National Park with the most interesting flora I've seen. I did learn though that the little pine bushes that looked so soft and pretty are not so soft instead they're more like killer pine bushes or the cacti of the Emerald Isle. We didn't get to go too far in the park since it was getting dark. We then headed down towards the Quiet Man Bridge the very same bridge that John Wayne over 50 years ago sat on during the filming of the movie to look out at his home of Whitermorn (though the house isn't actually there it's a few miles down the road it was too dark for us to go see). After that we went home and Dad and I went out for dinner at 10pm here so about 4pm there. We ate oysters and prawn cocktail (aka shrimp here they're called prawn). Afterwards we walked past the little carnival going on where there is a ride called Wild Mouse which is a small roller coaster but the mouse on the front of the ride body looks like a possessed mouse with alien eyes it's really quite creepy.

Today we went to the Aran Islands on a ferry which was a lot of fun that thing was doing a lot of cruising very quickly but we got there in decent time. After we arrived it looked a bit too rainy so we didn't take the horse and buggy though it seemed like something really fun to do. Instead we took a bus tour because riding bikes would've taken too long and it was a bit too windy. We got out at the base of the cliff where we could walk up to a 3000 year old fort and explore. These cliffs were even higher than the Cliffs of Moher and you can go right up to the edge and off and plummet over 300 feet if you really wanted to. It was amazing and I didn't get too close to the edge, I did but I didn't. I don't mind heights but I don't care to go launching off the cliff in the Aran islands because quiet honestly I'd never come back. And if I did I certainly wouldn't be at school and that was sort of part of the point of being here so no cliff diving for me :) We met a couple who live in England who chatted with us after we got off the cliff and they offered for us to come stay with them when we get to England which was so nice of them and something no one has done before. I'm baffled at how people here are so open and nice and helpful it's more so than anywhere I've ever been.

Well more later I must go sleep I move in to housing on Monday and tomorrow a Medieval banquet at a castle!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ireland day 3!

There's a link for a few photos I've posted not much of anything yet but internet right now is a bit sporatic and I don't have much time to upload much so I'll have more later.

I was a bit sick the other day it's taking me a bit to get adjusted to the food here. No worries I'm alright now so I'm slowly testing out different things so I don't overload myself. On the 31st I move into my housing for school we drove past it the other day it looks like it'll be pretty decent. It is a 10 min walk to campus so we will need to figure out the best way to get there and if it takes really 10 min or longer. Orientation starts the 3rd but we have tours on the 2nd. I will probably take one tour on the second in the morning/early afternoon. Classes start on the 7th.

Today we went to the cliffs of Moher which was really neat but really blustery. Enough to shove me across the field back to the parking lot without much effort. The cliffs are beautiful and somewhat majestic and yet deadly to anyone who decides to ignore the do not pass the fence sign or dangerous cliff sign.

Well I must run I know it's sad you want more but I have to go find dinner and I can't keep sucking the internet.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Here!

Hi Everyone

Today at least for me is Aug 26th. Currently I'm forcing myself to stay awake at least until 7 or 8pm here which for you in the States is about 2pm in the afternoon. I took a short nap because I was gonna pass out but right now it's torture. The plane ride was good I guess as good as I could see considering it was my first international flight. I arrived in Shannon (which is 2 hours south of Galway) at 5am here so it was about 1 or 2 am for you all. Killer? Yes very. But the flight was alright minus being squished. They served food which was really good and if I do say so myself better than Beloit's Common's food. (Yes ok I'm evil for saying that but honestly if a plane can make better food than a school that's pretty sad.) They even had in flight demand movies and tv shows I was quite surprised.

So after a 2 hour car ride which was enjoyable but yet freaky we ended up in Galway at our bed and breakfast called Marless House. If you really are ambitious and want to find where it is just look on a map or google Galway Bay and Threadneedle Road that's where it is. I didn't drive and thank goodness I didn't I thought Chicago drivers were bad holy cow it's worse here. And it's not the whole other side of the road thing it's just how people drive. I do give them a lot of credit though for at least not flipping you off when they pass you. In fact they like to flash their caution lights as a thank you.

I also had my first beer today. No did not waste anytime with that I figured I'm in King's Head in Galway eating some fish and chips why not have my first Guinness with my Dad? Mind you I had 1/4 pint since there is no way I could ever finish a whole pint. I do have to say for those of you that seem to think that the cheapest beer is fantastic you are soooo terribly wrong. I've had a taste or two of your 'fantastic beer' and I have to say no way you lose. Guinness isn't terribly expensive especially with a 1/4 pint. But I have officially had a real beer and it was great. But don't you all fret I'm not becoming a drinking machine my tummy can't handle that.

Speaking of my tummy it hates me right now. Could be a nice combo of the jet lag, mineral water, fish and chips, Guinness, carrot juice and scones I've eaten in the last 36 hours. So I will be soon crashing because I feel crummy. Don't worry I'll be fine this usually happens every single trip I go on.

I think I may have to do my journal writing tomorrow I'm really sleepy. Mary, our hostess here is amazing she is so sweet and so helpful and how can you not love a woman who says after you walk in the door take off your wet things and I'll get you something to eat? I love her I have a feeling she'll be our adoptive host mum while we're here. People are very nice here and I feel very comfortable. I also took a tour of the campus today on our own sort of thing and picked up the 'timetables' (they're not called schedules) for registration/orientation next week. The campus is beautiful and has loads of stuff to do. It's pretty big but at the same time not.

Well I will eventually post photos but I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed so good night!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 days to go!

3 days left. I've said most of my goodbyes and I also did some much needed catching up with some people. Though sometimes I think you can't ever have enough time to really catch up. Besides that I packed some socks and I have to pack my shampoo. Tonight however I am going to bed early I can't stay up until 1 am anymore it's killing me. Though I still have about a million things I want to do before I go. That's usually how it is though once I'm home and have some free time. It'll be a bit strange though not coming home until Christmas seeing as I have always had the ability to though I only go home on breaks for school. We don't have any thanksgiving break in Ireland they don't celebrate pilgrims over there. Probably a good thing seeing as it's such a ridiculous story they tell you as a child that is mostly a lie and then by the time you get to college you get the truth and start hating people for making holiday. Just like Christopher Columbus-the world knows he never discovered America and yet we still have a holiday for him. No one will change that even though it's a big fat lie. Anyway, I will be fine don't you all worry I've been away from home so often over the years that I'm used to it by now though from time to time I would like to go home and have some time to relax. From all the changes in my life I feel like I can adapt well to things that I may not have before.

Besides all that I need to get moving on my Russian homework or I'll be behind before I even get on the plane. But for now I'm going to bed to sleep I can't do homework while being very tired or I'll start messing up words especially in Russian.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Packed! Well almost anyway....

Alrighty people I'm almost packed I'm just missing a few items and need to stash a few things in my luggage rather than my carry on so I don't get sent back to the US or denied access to the plane ride over. So I've been doing a bit of deductive thinking of what can someone possibly do with each item in my carryon on a plane to either harm someone or the plane. Sure it's a bit much and yes I looked it up online but sometimes you never know. That said I've decided my floss belongs in the luggage among other things. Tomorrow I'm going to go shopping for a few last minute things and maybe some new sketcher shoes/shoe boots since the ones I have are from 9th grade. Thank goodness my feet stopped growing then or they'd be larger than a Hobbit's foot.

Otherwise I am all set! I just need it to be 4 days later and all my paperwork shoved in a pocket of my Scotts vest and I'm good to go. I'm not feeling too well right now-no it isn't nerves just the nasty Chinese food I had from Lake Geneva a few hours ago. Though I still cannot believe I'm leaving in 4 days! It seems really normal but yet not and at the same time my brain thinks la de da about it. Don't ask me why I have noo clue normally I'd be nervous as anything but I suppose with all the changes I've gone through in the last few years I can deal with it better.

Today I said my goodbyes to the dear library family I have left behind in Beloit. Yes some of you are thinking dear lord this woman is really a book worm/nerd/library rat. Yes indeed I am but I can tell you (for the younger members of my family who think libraries are lame and books should go and rot away) that libraries are useful things and are home to some of the most interesting and amazing people you will ever meet. And to top it off the most resourceful at finding anything you may need for school work. So go befriend the library people you may find you have more in common with them than you realize.

Yesterday I did the first half of registration for Ireland-they do it all online which is really interesting, useful and somewhat a pain in the neck but I have a feeling it has something to do with me being in the US and all of the rest in Ireland. I've noticed emails don't work to well for some reason across .com and .ie lines. Nevertheless I was able to select what photo I would like for my school ID. I think that's really nice because half the time you take a photo for an ID it never turns out how you want and you can't really smile because they've already taken it before you could.

Well my dears I'm off to bed I'm tired need to finish packing organizing things before I leave and try to cram in a few more visits with friends before I depart.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ok I lied I haven't started packing yet

Alright I lied well not really I have been packing but not for Ireland. Mostly I've been packing things up from what I brought from school and supplies I do not need to take with me like bedding or pots and pans to cook in. I'm not nervous right now to be going I'm not freaking out I'm happy and it seems normal to me that I soon will be flying 7 hours across the ocean to Ireland. I believe it is because I'm ready for a break and ready for a new adventure. Sounds a bit odd but when you live in Beloit for every month save maybe one out of the whole year you sort of look forward to something new. That is not to say Beloit is a horrid place no it is not in fact I've grown to love Beloit and it's given me more than I ever was expecting. It has also given me the ability to feed my interests while still leaving me time to be with my friends. Yes I'm running around as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning but I enjoy it and at times it gets rough but what doesn't? As much as I may complain about Commons food somedays or that stupid board students put under the mattress to 'sex proof' the bed making it impossible to sleep on, Beloit is very near and dear to me.

That being said I'm leaving for Ireland in 12 days. People keep telling me to bring back an Irish guy and yes I get it's a joke (though sometimes I really wonder especially who it's coming from) but I can't just kidnap a guy and bring him back. Yes it may sound tempting especially with the accents and all but I cannot judge until I'm there. So don't expect me to be bringing back an Irish guy in my suitcase or on the plane. If that does happen well you can tell me I told you so and that you're right 99.9% of the time. Whatever floats your boat :) And if that does happen I owe about three of your or more who are reading this an ice cream cone or some award for having insane intuition or something. Actually I don't want to think about that it sort of creeps me out. I feel like I need to go back and edit this thing in some ways mostly because of how horrid it would be if this was a paper I typed up. Though I've noticed that in someways my journal is no different.

I have not picked classes yet for Ireland-that will not be until I'm there and I'll be living in an apartment with whom I will not know until I get there. I'm sure some of you are like ooh that's a bit scary what if you get a bad roommate? Honestly I don't mind I've had my share of roommates since soph year of high school so I think I can handle it. I'll be in Ireland so I really won't care as long as my roommate isn't going to stalk me or be a cling on.

I do have my computer up and running so that's set to take with me and I have a few plugs to bring with and I have an idea of what clothes I want to pack so I'm not doing too bad so far. My housing is paid in full and my plane ticket is ready. Though I still have to figure out the whole cell phone plan thing-I really hate every cell phone provider in the US. Better yet the world because they can't all get along and share towers and share service and make everything universal. No they have to make it an act of God to get cell service anywhere I happen to go and on top of it cost me an arm and a leg for it. What is so hard about giving people full service everywhere for a low rate? Phones that cost 200 bucks are crap phones. Even the lower costing ones are crap. So it's not the phone it's the service which you'd think for all the moola I pay would be better. This is why technology will never replace humans or a good old fashioned letter. Though I have been told they're thinking of getting rid of postal service on Saturdays.

I'm done rambling for the night :) Maybe I will start packing....

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Hi everyone!!

Well I'm home now but I will be making one or two little trips up to Beloit before I go to say my goodbyes and make sure everything is in order for stuff. I will be commencing packing sometime soon but I still have to unpack all my stuff from school from the end of the semester! Crazy I know but I'm only home about a month total out of the entire year so I really have no idea where everything is all at once. It'll be nice to sit down and organize all of it for a change. 

I am excited and looking forward to leaving soon I believe it is down to about 17 days now-I know you're all thinking she isn't keeping tabs on the exact date? No I'm not why I have no clue. However, I will only be willing to smuggle you all in my luggage if you'll pay the extra bag fee :p

I would like to give a shout out to the library people you all have made my summer quite enjoyable and the best co workers/cohorts (not sure what the proper term is these days for that) I've had in the 'working realm'. I'll be sure to send you a toast when I'm there.