Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am living in the middle of a riot zone....

Hi Everyone

I decided to give you an inside look at what it's like to be living in the middle of a party riot zone. Or as some would say the madness within. It is currently 12:34 am on Monday Sept the 14th. In the last hour or so we have had the Garda (Irish Police) come and set up a patrol around the village, the big gate closed by the riverwalk as well as the front main gate closed, drunken parties going on all over the village, drunken teens running around asking for more drinks, singing drunks, drunks who ring doorbells ceaselessly only to find you weren't the ginger haired girl they were looking for, had people ask you for a light when they have no smokes, people who want to come see the apartment again because they lived there last year, have the same drunken jerks wanting a bit of nostalgia lane to set off your fire alarm, oh and the list goes on folks the list goes on.

Yes I see this is apart of the experience per say but really why do I want to know the reason why I found a pair of ladies undies in my drawer when I first moved in? Honestly I don't want to know the story. Thanks but no thanks. And why is it such a big deal that you want to see the apartment they all look alike! The only difference is if you have some hideous art put up on the wall or not that's it. He says 'oh I'm just comin back to me roots you know like you Americans.' Yes because that is the only reason why I'm here in fact that was why I came mmmhmmm yep I don't think so and please just leave before you leave me thinking I need to burn my mattress. And two seconds after he leaves with his buddy oh the fire alarm goes off. He's lucky I went to get shoes or I would've caught him and dragged him over to the Garda to deal with. And while we were waiting for the security man to come shut off the alarm people were trying to hop the fence behind our apartment. Now mind you this fence is over 10ft tall and has forked prongs at the top and no chain links. You need someone to hoist you up just to even get your head over the top. This place isn't that cool people come on. You can easily get some booze elsewhere it isn't worth gashing yourself over. And besides if all of them get over the last one or two are stuck on the other side and the same will occur when they go back. Logically it's ridiculous. However bear in mind these people are completely drunk so logic is not their strength at this point in the game.

But as I'm sitting there on the front stoop freezing watching all of this I feel like I'm in the middle of a riot zone with them trying to break the chain that locks the fence, their yelling/cussing and throwing things at the Garda along the fence--it's like wherever I go I'm stuck in the madness. If I leave it just gets worse on the outer gates, if I stay outside the building I stand the risk of getting stuck in the middle of a fight between teens, and if I stay in the building who knows when that fire alarm is really going off because I'm going to be roasting in a few minutes? The windows are shut because we have no screens and people will just pop their heads in the window asking you to party while waving tea kettles full of suicidal drink mixes heaven only knows what is really in them. The front door to our apartment section is dead bolted only to make sure that no one is coming in that shouldn't. The shades are down so they dont smash their faces against the window and start wanting to come in or ask for more beer. The Garda are yelling and taking people off the fences telling them to go home. Security is driving around keeping people from making messes or starting fights and shutting off bogey fire alarms. You're safe but only in your own skin. You're probably safe from people attacking you because they're so drunk and don't make sense but at the same time you feel alert and those animal instincts kick in of fight or flight. I'm sitting here wide awake listening to all that is going on around me. You may think me paranoid but I'm observing the madness around me from the point of view of one who isn't going mad. And I'm not the only one but our numbers are small compared to the others and its a bit disconcerting not knowing how things will go. An experience to be sure but not one I'd like to repeat on a regular basis. They're all scratching and itching to get in to the 'fun' and 'party' while I'm sitting with the other few wanting to know why such the itch, why such the effort for this one party of all others that can be going on in Galway and other places to be. Why are we the ones living in the middle of this riot like zone?

With that my dears I bid you good night.

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