Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Twenty 28 Days Until the Adventure Starts!!

Hello Everyone,

You will be reading this soon or probably after I'm already off on my new adventure in Ireland!! I cannot tell you how excited I am there aren't really any words to describe it. I know it's happening but I still can scarcely believe it! This isn't going to be some formal journal for myself I will be keeping another journal of my own that some of you may end up reading when I'm very old. However this is going to be used to keep you all up to date on my adventures and some of my thoughts on my new adventure in Ireland. I will not be editing it for grammar or term paper like perfection because it would ruin all the fun of it. Not to say that term papers aren't fun :) So I hope you'll stick along for the ride I know it'll be a great one. I do miss you all and I promise to send you all postcards in due time so patience I have to figure out the postal system among other things. Before I go I just want to thank you all because all of you have in one way or another helped me get here and have left an impression upon my life that I will forever cherish. So I dedicate my blog of adventure to you all because without you I wouldn't be writing this.

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