Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I would like to take a moment to say I'm FREE

Hi Everyone-

Almost done with that Belfast post mind you it may decide to post itself earlier than the current date because I started it earlier so you may have to do a bit of back tracking to find it. Just go to the archive on the right hand side and it should be there once I've finished. I'll let you know when I do that.

Anyway I am officially done with NUIG. YAY!!!!!! I turned in my last paper today and now I am free to pack, clean, go visit a few friends before I leave and then as quick as a flash and a weird 7hr flight with some odd time warp I'll be home on the 21st!!! I know I know some of you are like why are you so happy to be done with school you love school, you love history, you're learning why are you soo happy to be done? Well for the simple reason that I want to be done. I've gone traveling the world and done my exploring and absorbed more than I have in any other semester, worked my bottom off in school, went to all of my classes save the last day and one day when I was finishing my term paper, and now that I've completed my work I deserve a break. Alright maybe that was not such a simple answer but you also have to remember I want to be home it's Christmas season and I miss my friends and family. Ireland isn't going anywhere so I have plenty of time to come back and visit later. I've lived here for 4 months and laid my foundation and it's time to go back to the states where I officially belong. Not that I don't fit in here pretty well though I haven't exactly mastered any great drinking skills or sheep herding skills, but that's besides the point. Now it is time to relax, relfect, finish those journal entries, get my video and photos in order and labeled before I forget where I was, work on my novel, pack and go home eat loads of cookies, go sledding and eat some steak and potatoes. And per the usual Chirstmas season drink lots of hot chocolate and egg nog.

So I am free though it isn't as epic as Mel Gibson in Braveheart yelling FREEDOM as loud as he can before having his intestines twisted out of him. Sorry I should've kept that a little less gruesome especially if you're eating....and I am ready to go back and be back in Beloit and the library and the archives and not feel like a weirdo walking around the house practicing my Russian-no one learns Russian in Ireland hence why I'm looked at weirdly. I would also like hot water for a shower for a change, it is the simple things in life you really learn to appreciate. And I still get called an old lady for knitting while watching a movie. Though they won't be laughing so hard when they realize it's their Christmas gift.

Well I hear the horn of Gondor blowing-no its actually the generator downstairs of the computer lab-calling me to go off and run my errands and go kick some computer geek butt for not fixing my friend's computer. It's sad when I have to fix the computer and I'm not even a certified Mac genius or Windows genius. I understand if they don't have the parts lying around or can't get fix things in an hour but really 3 weeks to even bother looking at the computer when you really just want to say I have no clue? You know the computer geek fixer is a fake when he dresses like he's out of a D&G catalogue and smells like the new manly scent from Beckham. Not that I'm really trying to say he's a bad person or anything people I'm not mean I'm just saying he can't fix a computer when he's too busy using the screen as a mirror for his perfectly gelled hair. It's Ireland there is wind and rain give up the perfect Ken doll hair it isn't going to work. Even I know that and I'm a girl.

Miss you all and I'll write again soon about Belfast, London and Rome so you'll be in for a nice big treat. Or so I hope.

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