Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm all over it now....

Hi Everyone,

Well in celebration of Jamie Cullum's new cd The Pursuit I am writing my own little entry with the title I'm all over it now after one of his new songs. So this will be a list of things I'm over with now or at least have gone through that I'm either really glad I experienced or I'm just really glad it's over.

For those of you who have no flipping clue who Jamie Cullum is-he's not Irish so if you're thinking he's new to my knowledge you're wrong. Jamie Cullum came from the UK to the states back in 2005/2006 with his CD/album Twentysomething. He's a jazz performer and if I do say so myself a really talented one. His songs are amazing to hear and he's even more amazing live. And it takes talent to sound better than your CD. You want a prime example of someone who can't sound better than the recording? Britney Spears.

I went into town today it was pouring rain like the floods and I'm over it. I like rain but I don't like flooding but I'm over it. I can deal with it I plan on getting wet in some way shape or form and look like a wet dog when I get into a store. I never really cared if I didn't look like a perfect little doll walking in the door and I certainly do not fret over it now.

I wear multi colored knitted sweaters, hats and mittens and none of them really match the other and I'm over it. I'm in Ireland and if the girls can dress like it's 1980 with sequins, bright neon colors that never went together and wear leggings instead of pants I can wear a variety of colored wool. Do like the Irish sheep do because they had point with the wool coats-you stay warm and dry on the inside and wet on the outer. So in tribute to the spray painted bottom sheep that gave up their wool coats for me to wear I will wear my knitted things that don't really match with pride. Not that it really mattered how ridiculous I looked before I sooner go for comfort and convention over look. Something some of the Irish lasses here have yet to really understand.

Bad internet I'm not really over you. I'm all over you being anywhere near what I want and I'm all over you surprising me with being slow, dead, dying, and refusing to open webpages. Though I will be all over you once I'm home.

Drunken riots in Corrib-I'm all over it now and I hope it doesn't happen again while I'm here. Though rumor has it I have one last one to expect before I leave....but I'm ready for you with my stock of supplies to lock myself in and instead of leaving the fire extinguisher for you to steal I'll be using it as a defense. I'm sure you weren't expecting that.

Mould/Mold oh I'm all over it now like it's nobody's business. I have been at a standstill with fighting against it and I have now won I have conquered it and now plan on keeping it that way. And I haven't gotten sick from it either so I won't miss you when I'm gone.

Irish Rainbows-I'm all over it now I always have a camera to snap a photo of one and send it home. When I was off in Belfast by the Giant's Causeway and Carrick a-rede rope bridge I saw 9 rainbows in the matter of an hour and a half. I also saw my first continuous half circle rainbow instead of the usual line. They're all their own special thing and I love finding them on the river walk.

Euro currency-I'm all over it now I know how much I'm getting back and in what form and I know what all the coins look like and their worth so I'm not standing at the checkout turning over every single one trying to find that last 10 cent coin.

Painting-I'm all over it now I've painted with real paint two photos one which I'll never see again but one I'm bringing back to hang up on the wall. I can draw and I can paint and I plan on doing so when I get back home.

Carpet bags-I'm all over it now, I used to think Mary Poppins was the only one cool enough to have one and find one and now I have and I love that bag.

Irish pop music-I'm all over it now and I never care to hear it again because it's the worst of the 90s music and the worst of the 90s was really bad. I'm glad to be rid of it in return for some traditional music at Carnes pub and Michael Buble and Jamie Cullum.

Beer-I'm all over it now, I used to think it was the nastiest tasting thing on earth but you never know what true beer is like until you go to Ireland. I have tried many since I've been here tap and in a can and I can honestly say whatever rubbish all of you college kids buy back at home that is 'the best beer ever' can only be the best beer ever if you have consumed enough to knock you flat out. And I'm sorry that's not worth it. One really nice beer for the night is so much better than 20 nasty ones.

Irish hospitality-I don't think I'll ever get over Irish hospitality every time I leave Ireland for a trip and come back I'm greeted back with open arms. I have come and in the matter of a week been adopted as another child into a family, I've been offered to come stay for a weekend and see the sights in London, I've had my ring fixed even when it was considered a bit useless to bother because it meant that much to me, I've been told a hundred times over I should be Canadian but it's better I'm American because the Irish love you like a blood brother until the day you die and I've felt at home here and every time I leave and come back I feel like I'm home.

I'm all over the school work, I'm all over the classes, I'm all over the horrible library, I'm all over it now and even though I miss home in a few ways I'll never get over my Ireland experience because I've set down my root and I'm coming back. You can bet your little pony in the back yard that I'm coming back because I found the spot where I want a house and you can't talk me out of it.

But don't worry I am coming home for Christmas and finishing school like a good student. Because I want a white christmas and christmas cookies and be able to watch my ridiculous Christmas movies and dance to my Christmas music. Because I want to spend time with my family and friends because at least they understand my crazy Americanness though I have made a steady effort to fit in and I've done a pretty good job of it. Because I want to go back home and sit down with the Juice and say damn that was one hell of an adventure. (Pardon my cursing but I feel that is the best way to put it. And I don't want to hear that none of you have ever said those all were 20 somethings or will be at one point. There's no way of getting around that and yes I'm talking to you Dad if you don't believe me go watch the home movie of you putting up wallpaper in my room back in '89.)

Oh and for the record I skipped my first class yesterday. Not for sickness or some appointment because I felt I needed 3 hours to finish a paper that's due in a month so I can go exploring on the weekend. So for those of you who are shocked and angry I will tell you this: the class was past the period of talking about the paper I'm not taking a final test so being there would be for the betterment of my learning which I would have done if I did not feel the need to go stake out a spot in the library that can't house half the student population during finals. And that paper is done. Think what you will for I'm off to London this weekend. I'll tell you about Belfast when I return from merry London.

And for those of you celebrating Thanksgiving have a fantastic Thanksgiving. The Irish think we're a bunch of idiots for celebrating such a holiday when Christmas is around the corner. Then again they think we're idiots for celebrating St. Patrick's day when the Irish annals have about 3 different dates for his death and 3 for his birth and the man wasn't even Irish. It's alright it means I can listen to Christmas music that much earlier :)

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