Monday, October 5, 2009

I hate no detest first year juvi drunken guys

Hi Everyone

Sooo I was supposed to tell you all about my Dublin trip my trip to Melough Castle in Galway, The Juice and my other adventures since the last time I posted. The internet has gotten worse if that was possible so I've been away for sometime now. Instead though I am writing another late night riot incident. More like riot incident 2.0 that hits home a bit more. As if the first one didn't.....I love this country but hate this village. I would not really be opposed to someone burning it down to be honest. And at the rate these incidents are happening we won't have anything to put the fire out if it started. That's a very comforting thought. So what happened?

Just a week ago the one part of our apartment block E left their kitchen windows open at night. Simple thing everyone does at some point. I should tell you first that in Ireland window screens are pretty non existent. Someone got their fire extinguisher stolen from their apartment and a band of hooligan drunken Irish first year boys decided it would be fun to spray the apartment with the fire extinguisher. The whole apartment was covered in yellow dust powder forcing its residents to bunk with neighbors and have a cleaning crew come the next day to clean it out.

One of my roommates left her window open per usual and the stupid hooligans decided she was their next victim. They sneaked into the apartment next door claiming to need a toilet and took the extinguisher. Meanwhile I'm minding my own business enjoying a pint of Smithwicks (pronounced Smiticks) with my roommate while coming up with ideas for a book I'm writing when a bang occurred. This bang didn't sound any different than most that happen around here so we paid no notice. About 10 minutes later when my roommate went out of our room into the kitchen to recycle her can, she noticed an odd haze within the apartment. She called to me and I came out. It at first could have passed for smoke but it did not smell like smoke. In fact it smelled like a powder almost like a cleaning powder. I turned around to glance at our own fire extinguisher and read that it was a powder based one. I immediately looked at the floor by my roommate's door and noticed a yellow powder much like the ones in makeup compacts these days for covering blemishes. I knew it couldn't be makeup powder there was way too much of it. So we poked open her door with our hands since she left it open on a regular basis and to our horror her entire room was covered in a thick layer of yellow dust. I grabbed a towel from my room to cover my mouth from inhaling the nasty substance. Our other roommate came out and was shocked to find the same mess. She called security and they arrived about 20 minutes later. Since our roommate who got fire extinguished was gone until who knows what hour in the morning there wasn't much we could do. Security asked us to find somewhere else to spend the night but we had no where to go. It was already 2am I couldn't go calling anyone. We opened all the windows and let the place air out but we ended up staying the night. Everyone was soon back by 3am everyone was in bed but me and our roommate who got fire extinguished. Around 4am she came home and I told her what happened and she spent the night at a friends.

So I then came back to the room and composed a diplomatic email to the head of the village explaining my distress and unhappiness with how things were being handled. The cleaning crew was to arrive the next morning but the guys next door who were fire extinguished a few days before said that they're not the first ones of the year but rather more like the 5th and we were the 6th. And yet the village never sent out any notice to us about it. Heck they never bothered to tell us what they did about the last five. It seemed like they were more than content with not telling us anything and keeping us in the dark. Or from what our Boston roommate told us-denying that any such events have occurred. Alas I shall see what my email brings but I cannot hope for much. I'm off to bed and hope that they don't start breaking windows next.

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